Jan 27, 2010

The use of Blu-Tack

When I was a TTC student, I got to know about Blu-Tack. It is a versatile, reusable putty-like pressure-sensitive adhesive. The product I own is blue, but, as far as I know, many colours are now available. My methodology teacher advised us to use it to stick some pictures and postcards in the classrooms. I have never had a need to have it as I wasn’t working with groups of students, but this year I finally decided to buy it. I was so proud with my purchase that I had to show it to my husband. And then, being a very inventive man, he successfully used Blu-Tack in our flat. He called it Blu-TOUCH! :)) It really works, just look! :D

If you still don’t have Blu-Tack-Touch ;), don’t hesitate to buy it! As you can see, it can be used in many ways. It is good for everything! :D For some more information, look at the offical site of Blu-Tack company.

Jan 12, 2010

NEWs too ;)

After the wedding we have moved to our newly renovated flat. It has two rooms, one of which is joined with a kitchen, a bathroom and a one-feet balcony :D
To be honest, in the beginning it didn’t really look like a great place to live…

But we have soon organized ourselves and I could use my lovely red kitchen successfully :)
Also, we have found place for my piano, our new TV, Wojtek's computer, a nice big table and a comfortable sofa ;)
The best thing about living on your own is that it is only you and your husband who are to decide where to put a flower, a computer, a picture, what to eat, what to buy. We have enjoyed decorating our flat, buying new furniture and household equipment, even new clips ;)
And then, when Christmas came, it was fantastic to buy our first Christmas tree and decorate it together, the two of us. I was delighted to decorate the rooms with some candels and other Christmas gadgets ;) It is great to have your own place, especially when you know how much work you put into making it so cosy.

In addition to this, we didn’t have any problems with deciding who does what or who takes more shelves in the wardrobe – it was me, obviously :D I am fortunate to have an easy-going, helpful and hard-working husband who knows how to repair a computer and how to mop the floor! What is more, I am lucky to have fantastic parents-in-law… :) They like each other with my parents so Christmas dinner with them and our brothers went great. Happily, all my guests liked turkey and ginger bread I have prepared. I really feel good as wife! It was simply a good choice :)

For this new 2010 year I wish you to find your place in this hectic world! Your peace, love and happiness.

Have a blessed, joyful and delightful new 2010 year!